释义 |
specific reading disorder 1 ?特定性阅读障碍 ... 编码特定性原则 principle of encoding specificity 特定性阅读障碍 specific reading disorder 组织特定性,组织表征 tissue characterization ... 2 ?特定阅读障碍 特定学校技能发育障碍Specific developmental disorders of scholastic skills 特定阅读障碍Specific reading disorder 特定拼写障碍Specific spelling disorder .. 3 ?阅读障碍 ...4期 读障碍的神经心理损害特性(编号:30671771) 【分类号】: R749.94 【正文快照】: 特定阅读障碍(specific reading disorder,SRD)是指有正常的智力和适当的教育及社会文化机会,却特殊的、持续的不能获得有效的阅读技能,是学习障碍中最常...
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Deep dyslexia is a specific reading disorder. This type of dyslexia provides evidence for the existence of semantic route in oral reading. 以语义性错读为特征的深层失读症是一类特殊的阅读障碍类型,它的存在提示了人类在口语阅读过程中需要经过语义性通路。 - 2
The cost of reading a patient's genome fell dramatically, and by 2007 scientists were able to link specific genes to diabetes, arthritis, bipolar disorder, high blood pressure and obesity. 病人检测基因组(染色体组)的成本戏剧性地急剧下降。到2007 年,科学家们已能识别出糖尿 病,关节炎,双向性精神障碍,高血压和肥胖症的各自特有基因。