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物种的节奏 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Virtually all species in nature, from single-cell organisms to mammals, including humans, exhibit a daily cycle of activity called circadian rhythm. 几乎自然界中所有的物种,从单细胞生物到哺乳动物(包括人类),都具有一种日常活动周期,称为昼夜节律。 - 2
While there are some individual differences in the circadian rhythm, where some individuals are more nocturnal than others, humans are basically a diurnal (day-living) species. 虽然在昼夜节律中,人与人具有个体差异,但人类基本上都是在白天活动的。 - 3
Objective To investigate the species, infection rate and rhythm of reproduction of the Lymnaeidae, intermediate host of Trichobilharzia in the Huaihe River System. 目的探讨淮河水系毛毕吸虫中间宿主椎实螺的种类、感染情况及繁殖节律。