释义 |
- 特种侦察(特种侦察使用三栖工具和先进装备,获取敌情、地理资料和情报,是侦察力量的重要补充,技术含量高)
1 ?特种侦察 特种侦察(Special Reconnaissance,SR):特种部队渗透至敌后,经由观察等其他情搜方式,提供战场指挥官所需的情报-如地形.水文. 2 ?特别侦察 ... special-purpose vehicle 特种用途车辆 special reconnaissance 特别侦察 special staff 特业参谋 ... 3 ?中国特种侦察 龙贯杰好好好帅气 ? Long Guan Jie good good cool 中国特种侦察 ? Special reconnaissance 现在世我主持的文化报道 ? I presided over the cultural reports now WTO ..
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In October 2008, the Kuwaiti Special Forces awarded Panhard a contract of undisclosed value for 20 VBL Mk 2 reconnaissance vehicles. Deliveries occurred during the second half of 2009. 2008年10月,科威特特种部队授予Panhard公司一份价值未公开的合同,提供20辆VBL Mk 2轮式侦察车,并在2009年下半年交付。 - 2
Operation Oqab Tsuka (Eagle's Summit) involved the deployment of massive firepower-some 5,000 troops, plus hundreds of special forces, 30 helicopters, two reconnaissance drones and 20 jets. 此次代号为“鹰峰”(Oqab Tsuka)的军事行动涉及部署大规模火力——约5000士兵,数百支特种部队,30架直升机,2架无人驾驶机和20架喷气机。 - 3
Operation Oqab Tsuka (Eagle's Summit) involved the deployment of massive firepower-some 5, 000 troops, plus hundreds of special forces, 30 helicopters, two reconnaissance drones and 20 jets. 此次代号为“鹰峰”(Oqab Tsuka)的军事行动涉及部署大规模火力——约5000士兵,数百支特种部队,30架直升机,2架无人驾驶机和20架喷气机。