释义 |
special operations command 特种作战司令部 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?特种作战指挥部 ... 航空指挥部 AIRCOM 特种作战指挥部 Special Operations Command 飞机场指挥部 Airdrome Office ... 2 ?美国特战作战指挥部 所谓“工欲善其事,必先利其器”,五角大楼在尝到了心理战的甜头后,美国特战作战指挥部(Special Operations Command, SOCOM)在上个世纪末资助了目的是建造“空射增程运输器”(Air-Launched Extended-Rang...
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The helicopter's producer, Sikorsky, hasn't acknowledged that the helicopter is one of theirs, and the U.S. Army's Special Operations Command hasn't confirmed it either (and won't). 该直升机的制造商西科斯基尚未承认这架直升机是否是他们的,而美国陆军特种作战司令部同样未予确认。 - 2
The helicopter's producer, Sikorsky, hasn't acknowledged that the helicopter is one of theirs, and the U. S. Army's Special Operations Command hasn't confirmed it either (and won't). 该直升机的制造商西科斯基尚未承认这架直升机是否是他们的,而美国陆军特种作战司令部同样未予确认。 - 3
The Air Force Special operations Command contract calls for SAIC to provide operations and maintenance support to Dragon operations Centers at Cannon Air Force Base, N.M., and Nellis AFB, Nev. 空军特种作战司令部合同号召SAIC为位于新墨西哥州Can non空军基地和位于内华达州Nellis空军基地的Dragon作战中心提供作战和维护支持。