...品(Meiji)? ? ? ? 日本? ? ? ? 74 11? ? ? ? 联合利华*(Unilever*)? ? ? ? 荷兰/英国? ? ? ? 72 12? ? ? ? 萨普托(Saputo)? ? ? ? 加拿大? ? ? ? 69 13? ? ? ? 诺德胡马纳(DMK)? ? ? ? 德国? ? ? ? 64 14? ? ? ? 索迪雅(Sodiaal*)? ? ? ? 法国? ? ?...
报道称,今年4月份,加拿大重量级奶制品商萨普多(Saputo)收购了瓦南布尔奶酪黄油公司(Warrnambool Cheese and Butter Factory Company),在这场交易中,这家维多利亚州奶制品公司的估值超过...
知道奶酪 ; 已知奶酪
Owners Saputo confirmed the company is in negotiations with Dairy Partners of Wales for the sale of the plant.
BBC: Saputo
The Impact played their first two home games in Olympic Stadium and will move outdoors to Saputo Stadium for an April 16 match with Columbus.
WSJ: Impact beat Red Bulls 1-0 to improve to 4-0