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拜伦,主 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Ada's father was the poet Lord Byron, but her parents separated when she was a month old. 艾达的父亲是诗人拜伦勋爵,但在她一个月大的时候,她的父母分离了。 - 2
Despite his literary moniker, the eponymous hero of "Lord Byron" is unlikely to be accused of being mad, bad or dangerous to know. 尽管有着拜伦勋爵这个绰号,在人们看来,以此为名的主演却不太可能会被认为是个疯狂,难以了解,或是危险的人。 - 3
Percy, Lord Byron, John Polidori, and Mary's stepsister, Claire, were the others present. 珀西,拜伦勋爵,约翰·波里·多利和玛丽同父异母的妹妹,克莱尔是当时在场的其他人。