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It was Ueberroth's idea to run the Olympic torch across the nation, through hundreds of cities, by night and day. 让奥运火炬传遍美国全境是尤伯罗斯的创意。它穿越上百个城市,不分昼夜。 - 2
And she danced, and must dance, over fields and meadows, in rain and sunshine, by night and day; but at night it was the most fearful. 她跳起舞来,而且不得不跳到田野和草原上去,在雨里跳,在太阳里也跳,在夜里跳,在白天也跳。最可怕的是在夜里跳。 - 3
Its waters were so shallow that the ships could not enter it properly, and had to lie near the Heads, where the great waves of the Pacific rolled in on them by night and day. 这里海水太浅,船只很难准确靠岸,一天到晚只能顶着太平洋上滚滚而来的巨浪,在靠近北头的海面停靠。