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1 [医]?病床 ... sicca cucurbitula 干吸杯,吸罐 sick bed 病床 sickle 镰刀,切割器 ...
- 1
Your uncle, I am sorry to say, is now on a sick bed; from which, considering the nature of his disease — decline — and the stage it has reached, it is unlikely he will ever rise. 很遗憾,你的叔叔现在卧病在床,考虑到疾病的性质,一—肺勃—以及疾病的程度,他很可能会一病不起。 - 2
There are users Nicholas. Ostrovsky in his blind, all to a standstill, he tolerate the pain, in the sick bed for three years wrote a "How the Steel Was Tempered" This immortal works. 还有用者尼古拉·奥斯特·洛夫斯基在他双目失明、全向瘫痪的时候,他强忍病痛,在病榻上历时三年写成了《钢铁是怎样炼成的》这部不朽的著作。 - 3
Heidi had approached the bed, asking anxiously: "Are you very sick, grandmother?"