A quarter of the weight of HB-SIA is accounted for by its lithium-polymer batteries, which will power the four electrically driven propellers during the first test flights.
HB - SIA重量的四分之一都是这些锂聚合物电池,它们转化来的电能在试飞时可以驱动四个推进器。
HB-SIA completed its first test flight in April this year, flying for 87 minutes at a height of 1,200m.
太阳能飞机HB - SIA今年4月已经完成了首次试飞,当时在1200米的高空持续飞行87分钟。
HB-SIA completed its first test flight in April this year, flying for 87 minutes at a height of 1, 200m.