释义 |
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My grammar looks at phrases that might contain words starting with "a," with "b," and with "c," in that order. 我的语法会去分析的短语可能按次序包括有以“a”、“b”和“c” 结尾的单词。 - 2
B. Extensive reading: We must train our ability to scan, skip and read fast. Namely, the ability to catch the key words, the topic sentences and the drift of the articles. 泛读:要培养浏览,跳读和快读的能力。即抓住关键词,主题句和中心大意的能力。 - 3
In other words, in the example, every instance of capital "a" is replaced with lowercase "a," "b" with "b," and so on. 换句话说,在本示例中,每个大写“a”的实例都将替换为小写“a”、“b”替换为“b”,依此类推。