Using RAP for single-sourcing existing RCP applications enjoys enormous popularity withtin the Eclipse community.
在单源现有 RCP 应用程序中使用 RAP 在 Eclipse 社区内有享有很大的普及性。
This article shows how the DITA and XSLT 2.0 transformations can facilitate a single-sourcing strategy for both development and user documentation.
本文展示DITA和XSLT 2.0转换可以如何促进针对开发和用户文档的单一来源策略。
Darwin information Typing architecture (DITA XML) Find additional information on DITA, an architecture to create topic-oriented, information-typed content for reuse and single-sourcing.
Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA XML):了解DITA的更多信息,它是一种架构,创建面向主题的、信息类型的内容,用于重用和单一来源。