...类 (近场衍射) (远场衍射) S P 有限远 无限远 S P f f (近场衍射) (远场衍射) 二、单缝衍射(Single slit diffraction) 1 L B A 二、单缝衍射(Single slit diffraction) 干涉 分立、有限多、光 束 的相干叠加 衍射 连续、无穷多、子 波……
Double slitdiffraction is the double slit interference phenomenon modulated by singleslitdiffraction.
A new method of measuring the monochrome focal length of lens is given from the singleslitdiffraction principle.
In this article, we use the method of singleslitdiffraction and equal thickness interference, which is simple to operate and can acquire more accurate results even...