释义 |
- 网球鞋:指用于打网球的鞋子,通常具有耐磨、透气和抓地力强的特点。
1 ?沙滩鞋 ... 备用鞋底Inlay soles 沙滩鞋Sand shoes 儿童鞋Children's shoes ...
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The company is specialized in manufacturing every kind of products of EVA sand shoes, sandals, fashion shoes, indoor shoes, all-cotton shoes, and the hat, the cushion of the cars etc. 公司主要生产各种EVA拖鞋、凉鞋、时装鞋、室内拖鞋、帽子以及汽车座垫等产品。 - 2
As she pulls the shoes out, the box with the sandwiches in it breaks open and the ham, the cheese, and the bread slices fall into the sand. 当她把鞋子拿出来的时候,装着三明治的盒子打开了,火腿、奶酪和面包片都掉在了沙子里。 - 3
I'd run back to the beach, shoes in hand for a last touch of the sand, a last breath off the water. 于是,我便跑回海滩,脱下鞋提在手中,光着脚板最后再体会沙子的味道,面对大海最后深吸一口气。