释义 |
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I could see me and Yi again, drinking milk right outside the bakery, me leaning on his shoulder, his arms around me. 我又看到了我和毅,在那家店外面喝着牛奶,我把头靠在他肩膀上,他的臂揽着我。 - 2
For convenience when working, they often bare the right shoulder or even both arms, tying the two sleeves around the waist. 为了便于活动,常常将右肩或双臂露在外面,把两只袖子系在腰间。 - 3
Heather had suffered a fractured skull, a broken right shoulder and fractured right arm, as well as third-degree bums to her face, arms and legs. 希瑟颅骨破裂,右肩骨折,右臂折断以及脸、臂和腿部三度烧伤。