释义 |
1 [法]?申诉权 ... exploration right勘探权, 勘查权, 试采权 Right of petition申诉权 prescriptive rightph.1. 【律】法定期限权;时效 ... 2 ?请愿权 ...会在 《里斯本条约》生效后及时提交关于欧盟公民动议权的法规草案;要求法规简单、明晰,与公民的“请愿权”(right of petition)明确区分;欧洲议会对公民动议过程行使监督权。 3
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In my paper, I analysed this two types cases about right of petition, and the contractual relationships of general and special. 本文重点分析了这两类请求权的一般及特殊构成要件及两种请求权之间的竞合关系。 - 2
The latter include right of contractual petition and counter-plea, right of administrative complain, right to claim arbitration and right of petition for litigation. 救济性权利主要有:契约上的请求权与抗辩权、行政申诉权、申请仲裁权、诉讼请求权。 - 3
The procedure institutions mainly involve the application of simple procedure, the ascription of right of petition, the setting of trustee in bankruptcy and the exertion of reconciled procedure. 程序制度上主要涉及简易程序的适用、破产申请权的归属、破产管理人的设置以及和解程序的灵活运用。