释义 |
正确的值 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?右中线 ... median kinetochore 释义:中央着丝粒 right median 释义:右中线,右中央,右正中 median sacral vein 释义:骶正中静脉 ...
- 1
We can see that the median is not in the center of the boxplot - in fact, it is positioned slightly to the left hand side of the box, indicating that there is a right skew in the dataset. 我们可以看到中间值不在箱线图的中央-实际上,它位于左手边的框中,这意味着在数据集中有右歪斜。 - 2
We would be foolish to deny that it could just be possible, from the perspective of the median voter, that the odious populists are getting the economy right when the liberal elite did not. 在中间选民看来,如果我们否认可恶的民粹主义者有可能在自由派精英已经失败的情况下让经济步入正轨,那么我们将是愚蠢的。 - 3
The left triangle of auscultation was at a higher position than the right one, and the upper and medial angles were closer to the posterior median line. 左听三诊的上角位置较高,它的上角、内侧角距后正中线的距离较近。