释义 |
- 友好的法庭:指一方并非诉讼当事人,但被法院允许就与案件直接相关的法律问题向法院提供意见的人或组织。
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法学 法庭之友 Mainly, it is the issue of Amicus Curiae and the introduction of value of non-trade. 这主要是“法庭之友”问题和非贸易价值的引入。 法院之友 Through reforming our current systems and take public interest ligation as a breakthrough, supplemented by means of amicus curiae, we believe we can fulfill the object of macro-control law. 通过对现行司法制度的改革,以建立“公益诉讼”为突破口,辅之以“法院之友”等手段,宏观调控的可诉性是可以实现的。 法官的顾问