释义 |
1 ?右颈内 ... internal carotid artery flow 释义:颈内动脉血流 right internal carotid 释义:右颈内(动脉) right external carotid 释义:右颈外 ... 2 ?右颈内动脉 其中左颈内动脉(left intemal carotid,LICA)及右颈内动脉(right internal carotid,RICA)病变各有2个,分别对以上4个病变成功置入了4枚自膨式支架及放置回收了4个滤网保护系统,技术成功率为1... 3 ?及右颈内动脉 其中左颈内动脉(left intemal carotid,LICA)及右颈内动脉(right internal carotid,RICA)病变各有2个,分别对以上4个病变成功置入了4枚自膨式支架及放置回收了4个滤网保护系统,技术成功率为1...
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Notice that there is a variation in the brain perfusion since the left frontal lobe is supplied by the right internal carotid artery. - 2
Methods SAH was produced by making a nylon thread pass through the right internal carotid artery and pierce its bifurcation. SAH was confirmed by postmortem examination. 方法从大鼠颈内动脉颈段穿入尼龙线至颅内,分别观察尼龙线入颅部位、颅内有无蛛网膜下腔出血并行病理切片检查。 - 3
Sham operation group only received common carotid artery, internal carotid artery, and external carotid artery of right side isolation.