释义 |
1 ?右心压力 血清淀粉酶活性 Serum amylase activity 右心压力 right heart pressure 体铁超载 body iron overload ..
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Direct that pressure toward the heart muscle with just the right intensity, and it causes the body to produce new blood vessels. 将那种压力以适当的强度导向心脏肌肉,就可以使身体形成新的血管。 - 2
The story can happen in those hours, no right, no pressure, no intrigues, no hook heart bucket of dollars. 故事可以在那些时间发生,没有权利,没有压力,没有尔虞我诈,也没有勾心斗计。 - 3
I presume your heart is beating, your food is being digested, and you do not have to remember to blink your eyes or maintain your blood pressure, right? 我相信你的心是殴打,您正在消化食物,而你不记得你的眼睛里闪烁或保持自己的血压,对不对?