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1 [计]?源数据卡 ... 源数据结构 source data structure 源数据卡 source data card 源数据类型 source data type ...
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A data source can also be another system (legacy/mainframe), service (B2B service or credit card bureau), or some kind of repository (LDAP). 当然他也可以是其他的系统,(遗留系统,大型主机),可以是服务(B2B服务,信用卡局服务)或者是像LDAP这样的数据库等. - 2
Customer information might be stored in a customer master data management system, or multiple repositories, and credit card transactions might be stored in another data source. 客户信息可能存储在客户主数据管理系统或多个存储库中,而信用卡事务则可能存储在另一个数据源中。 - 3
Data record unit complete data acquisition, which records analog quantity data, parallel and serial digital data, parallel and serial graphic data from the signal source to CF card. 数据记录单元完成数据采集,把信号源发送的模拟量数据、并行和串行数字量数据、并行和串行图形数据记录到存储设备的CF卡上。