释义 |
声音事件 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?声音事件 降低琴乐中声音事件(sound event)的密度与力度。 行韵走手音逐渐消逝而至难以 听觉, 暗示听觉空间感。
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It aims to resolve problems such as sound segregation, segmentation, sound event and source characterization, auditory scene analysis and music analysis, etc. 它主要被用来解决声音分离、分割、声音事件和声音源的刻划及表征、听觉场景分析和音乐分析等问题。 - 2
Scientists issued a conditioned sound to associate a certain setting with a good or bad event, and later, all it took was the sound in that setting to evoke the same dopamine response in the mice. 科学家们给好坏事件都设置了特定的声音,后来发现,老鼠只要听到该声音,分泌多巴胺的反应是一样的。 - 3
The scripting capabilities of AW allow for animation, sound, event and bot creation, synchronization, and control. AW 的脚本功能支持动画、声音、事件和 bot 的创建、同步和控制。