释义 |
1 ?土壤物理干扰 定义 中文名称: 土壤物理干扰 英文名称: soil disturbance 定义: 土地的翻耕、平整等的干扰,对农业生态系统影响较小,对自然生态系统影响较大。可导致地表粗糙度增加,有利于外来种的入侵,并减少物种丰富度。 应用学科:
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This paper, based on the rehabilitation of Huangqian reservoir, introduced the theory, equipments and construction of the muddy soil disturbance technology. 本文以黄前水库除险加固工程为背景,介绍了淤泥扰动技术的原理,设备及施工等方面内容,为其它工程参考。 - 2
Then, the underlying laws, influential range, and influence degree for soil disturbance exerted by different stages of slurry shield tunnelling are analyzed. 研究泥水平衡盾构掘进各阶段对土体的扰动机制、扰动规律、影响范围以及影响程度。 - 3
This is an approach to crop production that is based on three principles: permanent soil cover, minimum soil disturbance, and crop rotations or crop associations. 保护性农业是一种作物生产手段,它基于三个原则:永久性土被,最低土壤干扰,以及轮作或作物关联。