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- 1
Chinese spot prices, having traded above the contract price for five years, have crashed from $186 a tonne in July to $80 a tonne today and continue to slide (see chart). 过去五年中,中国的现货交易价格都在合同价格之上,如今已经从7月份的186美元/吨下跌到了80美元/吨,并还在持续下跌中(如图)。 - 2
HP's critics, however, claim that its boss has not done enough to arrest the sales slide, which has dented its share price. 然而,惠普的批评者却称阿波台克在遏制销售业绩下滑上做出的努力不够,从而使惠普的股价一路下跌。 - 3
On November 18th, for no apparent reason, Gome's share price parted company from those of its competitors, and the slide suddenly became a rout. 11月18日,国美股价没有任何明显原因的与其竞争者分道扬镳,下滑突然演变成溃退。