释义 |
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As always, I felt uneasy as I walked down the corridor to his room, fully aware that he might sleep well through my visit. 跟往常一样,我沿着走廊走到他的房间时还是感到忐忑不安,因为我完全知道,他很可能在我访问期间一直在睡觉。 - 2
As always, I felt uneasy as I walked down the corridor to his room, fully aware that he might well sleep through my visit or, if awake, make little sense. 跟往常一样,我沿着走廊走到他的房间时还是感到忐忑不安,因为我完全明白可能他还在睡觉,即便他醒着,也没啥差异。 - 3
He walked up and down, batting his head savagely with his fists, but he could not conquer the numbness of sleep. 他走来走去,用拳头野蛮地捶脑袋,仍证服不了沉重的睡意。