...候群-呼吸哮喘医学网 量之评估: 重迭症候群组和对照组的全部床上时间(Total Time in Bed, TIB)和睡眠时间(sleep period time, SPT)相近,但是重迭组睡眠效率(sleep efficiency)较低(73.18±11.63% vs 7...
During your exam period, you want your brain to work at its very best, so build in relaxation time before bed, avoid late night revision sessions and try to go to bed early so you get enough sleep.
The period of time that you are awake adds to something called “sleep drive.
By definition polyphasic sleep means you'll be taking multiple naps during a 24-hour period and spending more time awake at night. But you'll also gain several extra productive hours per day.