释义 |
土壤气候条件 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?风土条件 ... 风土顺化 acclimatation; acclimation; acclimatization 风土条件 edaphoclimatic condition; soil-climate condition 风土化的俄语:pinyin:fēngtǔhuà акклиматизироваться: акклиматизация ...
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Generally speaking, bamboo is fond of high humidity, warm climate, thick, slightly acid soil with a good ventilating condition and abundant in organism. 一般来说,竹子适于在气候潮湿温暖,土壤厚实略显酸性且通风良好富含有机物的环境中生长。 - 2
The main drives of succession include canopy density of rubber forest, management, climate, soil condition and the biological properties of vegetation. 演替驱动力主要有:胶林郁闭度、胶林抚育管理措施、气候和土壤条件以及胶林植被本身的生物学特性。 - 3
The report highlights restoring water flows to rivers and lakes, improving the condition of soil for agriculture and fighting climate change as three ways to enhance natural capital. 报告强调说,恢复江河湖泊的自然供水、改善农业土壤状况、治理气候变化是增加自然资本的三大要素。