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美洲杯帆船赛 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Close to the original home of the America's Cup, the teams faced extremely challenging weather conditions, which occasionally left even pre-race favourites out of contention. 靠近美洲杯的故乡,各支船队都要面对严酷的天气状况,即便是赛前备受看好的队伍,也可能会因为此而在竞争中意外失利。 - 2
Wing sails, as they are called, have been around for years, and one was even used to great advantage in the 1988 America's Cup. 这个他们口中的“翼帆”已经出现了好些年头,1988年美洲杯,它的使用便让帆船占了不少便宜。 - 3
William founded his own energy company, Oxbow, and turned to yachting; he spent an estimated sixty-five million dollars to win the America's Cup, in 1992. 威廉姆建立了自己的能源公司奥克·斯波(Oxbow),将自己的身心转向游艇;为了赢得1992年的美国杯,他耗费了六千五百万美元。