释义 |
1 [计]?软件可靠性 ...软件可靠性(Software Reliability)是最重要的软件质量特性之一,是系统可依赖性的关键因素。软件可靠性的定义,在可靠性工程界经过长时间争论和研究之后逐渐得到了... 2 ?可靠性 ...拟主机,服务器租赁,为7万用户提供服务 关键词: 软件;可靠性;可靠性估计[gap=806]Key words: software; software reliability; software reliability estimation... 3 ?可靠度 软体 可靠度 ( Software reliability ) 模式的建立有助于管理者决定软体交付时间( release time) 或何时停止软体的测试 (Testing), 具外对于系统中剩于错误 (faul 4 ?软件可靠度 ... software reliability 软件可靠性 software reliability 软件可靠度 software reliability model 软件可靠性模型 ...
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Wasn't your decision to trade off programmer efficiency, security, and software reliability for run time performance a fundamental mistake? 你在为运行时性能权衡编程效率、安全、软件可靠性而做出的决定是否是一个根本错误? - 2
Software reliability Models are often used in software reliability estimation. - 3
book coverDo you want to learn to design for software reliability, security, and maintainability? book cover你想学习如何设计软件可靠性、安全性和可维护性吗?