The OSOA organization's charter is to define a core set of specifications that describe a language-neutral model for building applications and systems using a Service Oriented Architecture.
OS OA组织的宗旨是定义一组核心规范来描述一个语言无关的模型,以便使用面向服务的体系结构来构建应用程序和系统。
Originally, SQL was (and it still is) a set-orientedlanguage and not a procedural one.
一开始,SQL (现在也仍然)是一种面向集合的语言,而不是过程语言。
A domain specific language is a language-oriented tool designed to solve a specific set of programming tasks.
领域特定语言(Domain Specific Language,简称DSL)是一个面向语言的工具,用于解决某个特定领域的编程任务。