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一组极点 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?极点集 ... 极点法 extreme point method 极点集(合) set of poles 极点配置 pole assignment ...
- 1
For protection from the summer sun, the Mojave lived in open-sided, flat-topped dwellings known as shades, each a roof of poles and arrow weed supported by posts set in a rectangle. 为了躲避夏季的阳光,莫哈韦人住在遮荫的开放式平顶住宅里,每个遮阳棚都由一根杆子和一个箭头杂草组成,并由一个矩形的柱子支撑。 - 2
After the German attack on the Soviet Union in June 1941, the Poles and Russians were forced to set aside hostilities to become, instead, the uneasiest of Allies. 1941年6月,德国袭击苏联,波兰和俄国被迫放下成见成为最不自在的盟友。 - 3
Set at the end of the long garden behind the house, the garden Gallery is clad in vertical planks of wood cut from recycled telegraph poles, lending it a shed-like appearance. 花园画廊坐落在住宅后的花园尽头,由回收的电线杆木切割而成的竖向条纹板覆盖,看来像是一间棚屋。