释义 |
1 ?李树斌 富力高层默示,李树斌(Shubin)是2012赛季广州富力队主教练的首选,凡世的喧嚣的明亮,世俗的快乐和幸福,如同清亮的溪涧,在风里,在我眼前,汨汨而过,温暖如同泉水... 2 ?名字 ... 所属州: CA 名字: Shubin 姓: Billie ...
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Shubin distinguished himself by leading an expedition to the Arctic, which uncovered the remains of a fish with a wrist-a creature with part fin and limb. 舒宾的杰出成就是带领了一次北极探险。在这次探险中,他们发现了一种半鳍半肢的动物——一条有腕的鱼化石。 - 2
Shubin writes: "the conclusion was inescapable: the same gill arch that formed part of the jaw of a reptile formed ear bones in mammals." 舒宾写道:“结论不可避免:构成爬行类颚部一部分的鳃弓,同样也构成了哺乳类的耳骨。” - 3
In line with current fashion art, Shubin pyrograph study in the process of constantly improving it, such as when pyrograph in the dyeing, he found his own set of methods. 为了配合当前的艺术时尚,俞彬在研究烙画的过程中不断对它进行改良,比如在烙画时的染色上,他就摸索出了自己的一套方法。