释义 |
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But we will say, as a general rule, we believe this person could be a white individual or a black or African-American individual, or perhaps Hispanic, Native American. 但是,我们会说,按照一般规则,我们相信这个人可以是个白人或者是个非裔美国黑人,或者是拉美裔人,或者是印第安人。 - 2
Like type 2 diabetes, it occurs more often in African Americans, American Indians, Hispanic Americans, and among women with a family history of diabetes. 跟2型糖尿病一样,它通常在非裔美国人,美国印弟安人,拉美裔美国人和有家庭糖尿病史的女人中发生。 - 3
Compared with blacks, proportionally more men in other groups marry outside their race: for example, 38% of Asian American men and Hispanic men married white women in 2008. 和黑人相比,其他种族群的男性和外种族人结婚的比例要大得多:例如,亚裔美国男性和拉丁裔男性2008年与白人结婚的比率是38%。