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1 ?安全焦点 此外,SecurityFocus(安全焦点)的专栏作家评价道:黑客们总是不断地优化软件开发代码。据称,在新闻公布ISS 漏洞仅四小时以后,他们就已经将代码进行了修复。
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Good lists to join include open source community lists, programming lists, and the Security-Basics list at SecurityFocus. 要加入的好的列表包括开源社区列表,编程列表和安全焦点的安全概要列表。 - 2
The gauntlet of antivirus engines included those made by all the major security-software makers, with the notable exception of Symantec, the owner of SecurityFocus. 比赛用的防病毒引擎铁护手来自所有主要的安全软件产品,引人注意的是不包括SecurityFocus的所有人赛门铁克(Symantec)。 - 3
Mr Munoz has now hired Kevin Mitnick, a hacker who boasted last year to SecurityFocus, an online technology journal, that he used to break into las Vegas switching systems. 穆尼·奥兹现在已经雇用了凯文·米特尼克。这位电脑黑客去年曾向一份网络技术刊物《安全聚焦》夸耀自己闯入拉斯维加斯的交换系统之事。