释义 |
- 缩头:指因害怕、紧张或羞愧而退缩、畏缩。
- 头缩小:指通过人为手段使头部变小,通常是为了达到某种宗教或文化目的。
1 ?防缩冒口 ... 防缩孔粉剂pipe eliminator 防缩冒口shrink head 防缩冒口shrinker ... 2 ?防缩〕冒口 ... Shrink Selection 收缩选择集 ; 衰减选择 shrink head 防缩冒口 ; 保温帽 ; 防缩〕冒口 shrink stress 收缩应力 ... 3 ?保温帽 ... shrink fit冷缩配合 shrink head保温帽、冒口 shrink-off收缩、收缩率 ...
- 1
And some industries will shrink, especially financial services, "whose excesses need to be wrung out", admits Stuart Fraser, head of policy and resources for the City of London. 伦敦金融城政策与资源处负责人斯图亚特?弗瑞色表示,一些产业将会缩水,特别是金融服务业的“过剩部分将被淘汰”。他说:“金融城的生存依赖于竞争市场。” - 2
In 1998 Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea and Thailand saw their real GDP per head shrink by an average of 11%. 在1998年印尼、马来西亚、南韩和泰国目睹了他们真实人均GDP平均缩水11%的过程。 - 3
Another yardstick, GDP per head, takes account of the fact that America's population is rising rapidly, whereas Japan's has started to shrink. 另外一些指标,人均gdp,考虑到美国人口在迅速增长,但日本则开始减少。