释义 |
- 虾肉:指从虾身上剥下的肉质部分,可用于烹饪各种菜肴。
1 [水产]?小虾仁 ... shrimp cocktail 什锦虾仁〔中菜名〕 shrimp meat 小虾仁 shrimp waste 虾屑 ... 2 [水产]?虾仁 肥茶。 中文名:虾仁英文名:Shrimp Meat主要食材:虾肉特点:形态饱满、色泽洁白口味:鲜嫩清淡营养:蛋白质、钾、碘、镁、磷等作法:腰果虾仁、龙井虾仁、桂皮虾仁等特级虾仁纯手工剥制,减肥茶,瘦身茶,减淝茶
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The upper one is minced shrimp meat… - 2
The most important step is to sprinkle condiments that include chili, apple, pear, fish sauce and shrimp meat. 涂抹调料是做辣白菜最重要的步骤,调料包括辣椒、苹果、白梨、鱼露和虾仁等等。 - 3
According to special proportion and client requirement, put mussel meat, squid claw, squid ring, short necked clam meat, shrimp meat together. 以贻贝肉(海虹肉)、鱿鱼爪、鱿鱼圈、杂色蛤肉、虾仁根据客户要求按照一定的比例组合在一起。