Based on G-O model, we propose a softwarecostmodel incorporating fault-remove time which followed exponential distribution and reliability function of software in this paper.
Most software engineering texts spend some amount of copy on project planning and estimating, including tools like the Constructive CostModel (COCOMO).
大多数软件工程学课本都花费篇幅介绍项目计划和估计,包括类似Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO) 5这样的工具。
The Software as a Service (SaaS) business model, driven by an effort to reduce IT cost and efforts, is garnering a lot of interest in the software industry.
软件即服务 (SaaS) 业务模型,其目标是减少 IT 成本和所需的工作,它越来越受到软件行业的关注。