释义 |
1 ?柔眸 在XXX为中国国家高尔夫球队上了一堂教学课 ? XXX for China's National golf team had a teaching class 柔眸 ? Soft eyes 琳达太胖了,她应该少吃点,更不应该吃太多甜食 ? Linda too fat, she should eat less, we should not eat too many sweets .. 2 ?软环眼 ... 环眼 eye 软环眼 soft eye 端配件 fitting ...
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Use of very soft Eye Makeup Remover Lotion, so that cotton draw sheet, wipe later, re-use cotton swabs to remove minor residues. 使用非常柔和的眼部卸妆乳,让棉片吸取,擦拭后,再用棉签去除细微残留物。 - 2
To the naked eye Bip had only the clothes hestood up in: trousers, jacket, soft ballet shoes, striped jersey, and acrumpled opera-hat topped with a red flower. 就外表看,毕普仅仅穿着他的丑角行头:一条长裤,一个外套,一双柔软的芭蕾舞鞋,一件条纹运动衫以及一顶顶上缀着朵红花的皱巴巴的男式礼帽。 - 3
The unique design both inside and outside the whole good uniformity of illumination lamps, light, soft and comfortable yet bright, with rural alleviate eye fatigue. 内外独特的设计使整个灯具的照度均匀性好,光线柔和舒适而不失明亮,可有郊缓解眼睛疲劳。