释义 |
灵魂摇滚 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?灵魂摇滚 你可以找找 灵魂摇滚 ( soul rock )这类型的听听看 灵魂摇滚 我不是很熟 2 ?慢摇滚 摇滚(Rock and Roll) 慢摇滚(soul rock) 民谣(Ballad music) 萤火虫一旦成虫之后,它的生命就只有两周,但是它依然还散发出最灿烂的光芒!
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But the young Fisherman answered not his Soul, but in a cleft of the rock he built himself a house of wattles, and abode there for the space of a year. 但年轻的渔夫却并不作答,他用枝条在岩石的裂缝里盖了一所小房子,并在那里蜗居了一年。 - 2
Jazz, blues, rock and roll and soul have been its great cultural gifts to the world. 爵士,蓝调,摇滚和骚灵是他们献给世界的伟大文化礼物。 - 3
Rock, and then soul, and then punk album covers.