释义 |
1 ?米曲 ... 米曲;rice-koji 他卡淀粉酶糖化素;Amylase, .alpha.-, Aspergillus oryzae;A…… 曲霉属;Aspergillus ...
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Red rice-kojicidin was prepared by extracting red rice-koji farina with alcohol and dyeing experiment on natural silk was performed using orthogonal method. 用乙醇萃取红曲米粉提取红曲米素,并采用正交法对真丝绸进行染色试验。 - 2
Fermented from rice, rice-koji (the mold used to convert the starch in rice into fermentable sugars), and water, and then pressed through a mesh (to strain away the solids and yield a clear beverage). 发酵用的大米、米曲(用来讲大米中的淀粉转化为可发酵糖)清水然后用网压滤(滤掉固体,产出清澈的酒水)。 - 3
In the mechanized production of rice wine, the block koji as saccharification agent was cultivated in different seasons and thus were divided into winter koji, autumn koji, and summer koji. 机械化黄酒生产过程中,作为糖化剂的块曲的培养需在多个季节进行,可分为冬曲、桂花曲和伏曲。