释义 |
间距, 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Wire spacing - Specify square, rectangular or specialty configuration with wire spacing center-to-center, clear opening or mesh count. 导线间距-指定正方形,长方形或间距中心至中心,清除打开或网线数的专业配置。 - 2
The invention discloses an electroacoustic transducer which comprises a stationary electric vibrating diaphragm, an opening plate and a plurality of spacing structures. 本发明公开一种电声换能器,电声换能器包括一驻电振膜、一开孔板以及多个间隔结构。 - 3
Based on the core and logging data, this paper analyses and evaluates density of seams, opening degree, porosity, permeability and seam spacing in the Tazhong area. 本文结合岩心、测井等资料,对塔中裂缝的密度、开启程度、孔隙度、渗透率、连通性与裂缝间距等参数进行了分析与评价。