释义 |
1 ?太空侦察 ... 太空雷达 space radar 太空侦察 space reconnaissance (卫星系统中在)太空中的部分(或子系统) space segment ... 2 [航]?航天勘探 ... space probe 航天探测器 space reconnaissance 航天勘探 space remote sensing system 太空遥感技术系统 ... 3
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Space reconnaissance and mapping are essential elements of strategic missions. Space reconnaissance camera and mapping camera are payloads of earth observation satellites. 航天侦察和测绘是战略武装必不可少的组成部分,航天侦察和测绘相机是对地观测卫星的有效载荷。 - 2
When we realized that everything we do, every operation, every communication, satellites for observation, for surveillance and reconnaissance, everything revolves around space. 就是那时我们才意识到我们做的每件事、每个行动、每次交流、用于观测监视勘察的卫星——所有的一切都要绕着太空打转。 - 3
When we realized that everything we do, every operation, every communication, satellites for observation, for surveillance and reconnaissance, everything revolves around space. 当我们意识到我们所做的每件事,每个操作,每次通讯,众多用于侦察或估测的观察卫星,每件事都紧密围绕着航空。