释义 |
盐蛋黄 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?加盐蛋黄液 ... ruptured yolk 破裂的蛋黄 salt yolk 加盐蛋黄液 sugar yolk 蜜黄;加糖蛋黄液 ... 2
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The tomato-flavoured "yolk" isfloated in a cocktail of vodka, spices, celery salt and Tabasco, toppedwith a Worcestershire sauce foam and served in an oyster shell. 带着番茄味的蛋黄流动在融合着伏特加、调味品、、食用盐和塔巴斯科辣酱油的鸡尾酒中,上面还覆盖着一层伍斯特沙司泡沫且装饰有牡蛎壳。 - 2
Thetraditional prairie oyster (raw egg, yolk unbroken, plus tomato juice,Worcestershire sauce and salt) was created as a hangover cure. 传统的prairie oyster饮料(原料有生鸡蛋、半打开的蛋黄,外加番茄汁、伍斯特沙司和盐)是为醉酒者准备的饮品。 - 3
Place the salt, mustard, lemon juice, honey or sugar and eggs and yolk in a food processor or blender. 将盐、芥末、柠檬汁、蜂蜜或糖、鸡蛋和蛋黄全部放入一个食品加工机或搅拌机中。