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含盐地下水 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?释义含盐地下水 地下水的英文医药专业词条翻译 ... ground water theory 释义:地下水理论 salt ground water 释义:含盐地下水 subsoil water 释义:地下水 ...
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With hemp ropes and bamboo cables reaching deep into the ground, they employed cast iron drills to reach the natural gas they used as a fuel to evaporate water from brine to produce salt. 麻绳和竹管被深入到地下深处,以铸铁深钻直到得到天然气,并以此为燃料将卤水中的水蒸发来生产食盐。 - 2
Well, it’s flour (the ground down remains of a grain, usually wheat), water, salt and yeast. 嗯,其实就是面粉(来自谷物,通常是小麦),水,盐和酵母。 - 3
Subsurface pipe drainage in drought-prone region is superior to surface drainage in draining off water and salt, controlling ground water-level, and increasing crop output, etc. 以明沟排水为对照,论述了内陆干旱重盐碱区暗管排水在排水排盐、控制地下水位、提高土壤脱盐效果及提高作物产量等方面的优越性。