释义 |
- 训斥:指严厉批评或责备某人。
- 腌制:指将食物浸泡在盐水或盐中,以防止腐败或增加风味。
1 ?训斥 训斥(salt down), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 2 ?腌制 ... salt away腌制,贮存,储蓄 salt down腌制,贮存,储蓄 salt down cod腌藏鳕鱼 ...
- 1
They salt down cod for winter use. - 2
If you want to play safe, cut down on the amount of salt you eat. - 3
It rots the window frames, cakes the panes with salt, and corrodes anything metal down to brown, bleeding rust. 它腐朽了窗棂,晒得在窗玻璃上结了一层盐,无论任何金属都被腐蚀成了泛着棕色的血锈色。