释义 |
- 酒吧内的沙龙酒吧:一种比其他酒吧更舒适的地方,在这里您有时需要为饮品支付更多的费用。
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The hotel also has other facilities such as bars, tennis courts, business center, shop, beauty saloon, natural swimming pool and soon. 山庄还有商务中心、酒吧、网球场、天然游泳池、美容美发中心、商场等服务设施。 - 2
Meiya stainless steel has become the main choice of high-level Chambers, saloon bars, hotels and villas, which are applied widely in guardrail, fence, window, gates, etc. 美亚不锈钢系列产品是装饰高级会所、星级酒店、别墅的理想之选,广泛应用于护栏、扶手、门窗等设施。 - 3
"Generally, the people who own the great venues here also work in them, " says Jason Scott, co-founder of The Baxter Inn and Shady Pines Saloon, two of the most highly rated bars in Sydney. “一般来说,杰出酒吧的老板也在自己的酒吧里工作。” Jason Scott说。 他联合创办的巴克斯特客栈和松树荫沙龙是悉尼最受好评的两家酒吧之一。