... 突出 1.(鼓出来) protruding; projecting; sticking out 眼球突出 bug-eyed; 突出的岩石projecting rocks2.(明显;出众) outstanding; prominent 突出成就 outstanding achievements; 突出的例子 striking example; 突出的标志 prominent sign; 突出的特点 prominent characteristic3.(强调) stress; highlight; give prominence to 突出重点 lay stress on the key points; 他从不突出自己。 he never pushes himself forward.4.(冲出) break out 突出重围 break through a tight encirclement; 突出部 [军事] salient; set-off; projection; nose; boss 撤销职务或头衔, 免职 put beside the cushion; set beside the cushion 击中某人的腿或头 shoot sb. in the leg/head ...