释义 |
耐冲击性 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Thermal shock stability, abrasion resistance, excellent, do not fall slag, long service life; - 2
The slide gate nozzle brick has the advantages of good molten steel resistance, thermal shock resistance, and long service life. 本发明的滑动水口砖抗 钢水侵蚀和抗热震性能好,使用寿命长。 - 3
With its anti-corrosion, thermal shock resistance, good thermal conductivity and other characteristics, it can be used for large blast furnace lining to increase service life. 利用碳化硅的耐腐蚀,抗热冲击耐磨损,导热好的特点,用于大型高炉内衬提高了使用寿命。