They have done an excellent job at making everyone believe that Firefox 3.0 is the secondcomingofChrist himself, and that's commendable.
他们的出色工作,让每个人都觉得Firefox 3.0好像是基督再次降临一般,实在让人佩服。
Isn't it a little bit odd that in Rev. 19:11-21, which is the clearest picture of the secondcomingofChrist, there is no mention of a resurrection?
在启示录19:11 ~ 21很清楚地描写出基督再来的景象,但却没有提到复活,这不是有点奇怪吗?
Ultimately, for reasons I did not quite follow but which have nothing to do with the London Olympics, he says they predict the SecondComingofChrist, expected to take place in 2012.