释义 |
1 ?阿伐变化 ... 阿伐腔 alpha chamber 阿伐变化 alpha change 阿伐计数器 alpha counter ... 2 ?阿尔发改变 第一种为「阿尔发改变(Alpha Change):当变动是可预期时,而且改变的量在一定范围;第二种是「贝塔改变(Beta Change):变动幅度较大,变动的量难以估算,不过仍在同一尺度...
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The history of energy extraction has been marked by a number of disasters that have driven change: Piper Alpha, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and the Exxon Valdez to name but a few. 能源开采的历史一向以一系列推动变化的灾难为里程碑:帕玻尔·阿尔法钻井平台爆炸、三里岛核事故、切尔诺贝利核泄漏事故,以及埃克森·瓦尔迪兹号溢油事故。 - 2
You can enter a numeric character prior to the tilde to denote how many alpha characters you want to change. 可以在波浪号前面输入一个数字,表示希望改变多少个字母字符的大小写。 - 3
It is well known that poor diet and lack of exercise make insulin resistance more likely, so one hypothesis is that these things change the epigenetic marks on genes such as PGC-1 alpha. 众所周知,饮食不健康或缺乏锻炼更易导致胰岛素阻抗,所以有假设说,这些情况会改变譬如pgc - 1这样的基因上的外遗传标签。