Finally, it may be worth noting that a similar optimization is widely used in game-playing programs, where it is called alpha-betapruning.
最后,值得注意的是,类似的优化已经广泛应用于电子游戏的程序,在那里被称为alpha - be ta剪枝。
In addition, programmers have come up with all sorts of algorithms and tricks such as Alpha-Betapruning, Negascout, and MTD(f) in order to lessen the number of nodes the computer must examine.
此外,程序员们也提出了很多算法和技巧来减少节点数目,比如阿尔法 贝塔剪枝算法(Alpha-Beta pruning),Negascout搜索算法以及MTD(全称是:Memory enhanced Test Driver,即记忆增强测试驱动,译者注)方法。